Our Approach with Teams and Departments

Beyond knowledge into confidence

and competence

Come out of Covid fitter and stronger.

A unique approach for improving team and business performance. Successful sports teams always  train and develop together. In business - not so much. You'd think it crazy if a top sports team tried to improve performance just by sending individual players away for training on their own. Yet it happens all the time in organisations.

Our approach changes that.

Teams who work together need to develop together. e

We work with the leadership team, whether that is a department, operating unit or company Board - as an intact team. The process operates at 3 levels:

1. developing improved teamwork to create the conditions for success in the organisation (dysfunctional or underachieving leadership teams have a massive impact on the culture and performance of the organisation)

2. collectively working on challenges and opportunities in the organisation to strengthen business performance

3. introducing a common "leadership toolbox" for consistent approaches to leadership and culture across the organisation.

Our approach makes sure we jointly identify the key development areas for success.

Step 1 No obligation free consultation to understand what you want to achieve.

Step 2 When you agree to go ahead we explain the concept to the team and have one to one conversations with each member to understand their perspective on what works well and what would lead to even higher performance.

Step 3 From this data we design a draft modular approach that works on improving performance in the 3 dimensions of team, business and individual leadership. We discuss this draft with you, finalise the content and book in dates for the workshop sessions.

Step 4 We design the content of the modules. (Content can be adapted over time based on new needs that arise as we move through the process).

Step 5 The team members each receive their first eLearning module and complete it - and the application activities.

Step 6 A team workshop (in person or via Zoom) quickly recaps the content and answers any questions. Sub-groups work on the questions posed in the eLearning activities and report back on their recommendations for practical actions to take in the team/organisation. After discussion, action plans are created for application back at work to deliver tangible business benefits.

Step 7 Application of the action plans. One to one coaching sessions with each participant to support and challenge them to apply their learning commitments. The team members also each receive their next eLearning module and complete it - and the application activities.

Step 8 A team workshop (in person or via Zoom) reviews progress against the action plans and any remaining actions. Attention then turns to the content from the second eLearning module quickly recapping the content and answering any questions. Sub-groups work on the questions posed in the eLearning activities and report back on their recommendations for practical actions to take in the team/organisation. After discussion, action plans are created for application back at work to deliver tangible business benefits.

This process continues as you work through each module.

As you can see - this is a highly practical approach focused on the development of confidence and competence - not just knowledge.

What do you get?

  • Improved relationships and teamwork - which means improved productivity and less unnecessary stress.
  • Space to work on strategic issues - so you break the cycle of "short termism" and focus on building the capability for sustained success.
  • Practical action plans that deliver tangible benefits that more than pay for the investment you make.
  • Stronger leadership skills, credibility and consistency across the organisation - meaning fewer internal rivalries and a stronger unified culture..  

Let's work together

Our services are designed to amplify your organisation's talent and culture to promote accelerated levels of success, profits, and growth. Would now be a good time to upgrade your business? If not now, then when?