Our Approach for Organisations

Beyond knowledge into confidence

and competence

Come out of Covid fitter and stronger.

You'd probably feel uncomfortable getting into a car with an unlicensed taxi driver - but do you allow your managers to lead your people without an approved license?

Build a skills development programme for all your managers - or even all your people.

Create a "skills passport" for effective performance across your entire organisation for improved consistency, high performance and a profitable business.

What does good look like for effective management and leadership in your organisation?

If there is no common standard how will people manage and lead consistently and in line with your company Values and culture?

Do people at all levels know how to demonstrate and live your Company Values through key skills and shared, consistent, approaches?

If they know what it is but haven't been shown how to do it - how can you expect the standards to be achieved?

How do you make sure new managers and new hires understand what good look like for effective performance in your organisation?

An organisation wide modular skills development process provides answers to all these questions.

It can be targeted at the whole management population, all employees or particular categories of people - the choice is yours.

Different Concept

Different populations need to have defined skills for successful performance in that role.

Modules are developed to cover these skills - creating a "license" for that employee population .

Each time someone completes a module their skills "passport" is stamped - until they have evidence that they have completed their journey to competence.

Modules can be run as stand alone individual self-learning packages or supplemented with virtual or physical action learning workshops.

An example Skills Passport Framework could look something like this....

Modules can be combined for different populations - for instance:

- certain roles/job categories

- supervisors/Team Leaders

- middle managers

- senior managers.

This provides commonality, consistency and integrated progression as people move through their careers.

A bespoke, integrated and flexible approach for improved productivity and performance.

Our approach makes sure we jointly identify the key development areas for success.

Step 1 No obligation free consultation to understand what you want to achieve.

Step 2 When you agree to go ahead we work together to understand what is important to your company, what has been done already and identify and agree priority content. We then develop a draft bespoke skills framework for you.

Step 3 We discuss this draft with you, finalise it, agree how you want to use it (stand alone or with virtual or physical action learning workshops) and agree an implementation plan .

Step 4 We design the content of the modules.

Step 5 We pilot a couple of modules to get feedback.

Step 6 We plan the communication of the concept and when it will be available.

Step 7 Modules are rolled out.

Step 8 Continuous improvement through scheduled meetings to review user feedback.

As you can see - this is a highly practical approach focused on the development of confidence and competence - not just knowledge.

What do you get?

  • More effective management and leadership that develops increased engagement, productivity and success.
  • Clear standards for "what good looks like in our organisation" - and how to do it.
  • Cost effective development with reduced time away from "the day job".
  • A practical mechanism for consciously strengthening company Values and culture.
  • Improved productivity as people work more effectively across the organisation using skills and techniques from a common "tool box".  

Take Your Business To The Next Level.

Our services are designed to amplify the capability of your business and promote sustained success and profitable growth.

Would now be a good time to upgrade your business? 

If not now, then when?